JackFlash 3.0b8 (August 5, 2003) - Added support for the Tungsten|T2 - Bugfix: JackSafe was failing to install on some T|T JackFlash 3.0b8 (June 25, 2003) - Added support for the Kyocera 7135 - Added support for the Zire 71 - Bugfix: JackSafe was crashing on some devices - Bugfix: JackFlash not working on OS3.5 devices - Bugfix: FlashEnable crashed on Tungsten|C - Bugfix: Minor fixes for OS5 devices JackFlash 3.0b7 (May 8, 2003) - Added support for the Tungsten|C JackFlash 3.0b6 (April 22, 2003) - BugFix: Chunk Overlocked Error fixed JackFlash 3.0b5 (April 16, 2003) - BugFix: further stability issues on TungstenT - BugFix: fixed handling of alarms and notifications of applications in flash - BugFix: fixed crash when loading or repairing - Added support for the TG50 JackFlash 3.0b4 (March 25, 2003) - BugFix: addressed stability issues on TungstenT JackFlash 3.0b3 (March 18, 2003) - BugFix: Stabilized Flash access on Sony OS5 devices JackFlash 3.0b2 (March 17, 2003) - Minor fix JackFlash 3.0b1 (March 14, 2003) - Added PalmOS 5 support - Added support for Tungsten T, NX70, NX60, NZ90 - Added support for the SJ-33 (for devices with Flash) - Added support for Tungsten W JackFlash 2.7b1 (September 27, 2002) - Completed support for the Kyocera 6035 - Added support for the Treo 300 - Added initial support for the Treo 90 - Added support for the SL-10, SJ-20, and SJ-30 (for devices with flash) JackFlash 2.6.1b1 (August 7, 2002) - Added support for the Kyocera 6035 JackFlash 2.6 (August 7, 2002) - Added support for the Treo 180, 180g, and 270 - BugFix: Compaction issue with Datebk5 solved - BugFix: T665 no flash issues solved JackFlash 2.5.1 (July 12, 2002) - Update: Fixed support for m500/m505 Palm OS 4.1 JackFlash 2.5 (July 8, 2002) - Added support for Sony Clie NR70, NR70V, T650C, T665C - Added support for Acer s10 JackFlash 2.4.2 (July 12, 2002) - Update: Fixed support for m500/m505 Palm OS 4.1 JackFlash 2.4.1 (April 10, 2002) - BugFix: Support for certain Palm III models was broken - BugFix: JackSafe was not being enabled when the OS ROM area was exactly 2M - update: Allow deleting deactivated hacks in RAM when using Xmaster. - Update: added transparency to the icons JackFlash 2.4 (March 26, 2002) - Add support for the i705, T415, T615, T625, M515, T400, T600 - Added popup for long file names - Fully enabled JackSafe on the Sony Clie. JackFlash 2.3.4 (February 13, 2002) - Add support for the Clie S360. JackFlash 2.3.2 (November 27, 2001) - Add support for the TRGPro. JackFlash 2.3.1 (October 30, 2001) - Minor updates. JackFlash 2.3 (October 24, 2001) - Release JackFlash 2.3b4 (October 15, 2001) - bugfix: JBBackup conflict fixed JackFlash 2.3b3 (October 12, 2001) - bugfix: Clie conflicts fixed - update: support for latest Clie devices - feature: added FlashEnable, a file that can be kept in memory instead of JackFlash JackFlash 2.3b2 (September 27, 2001) - update: Symantec AV conflict fixed - update: TealLock conflicts fixed JackFlash 2.2 (July 6, 2001) - official release JackFlash 2.1.1b3(July 5, 2001) - bugfix: JackSafe support of Atmel chips - update: full Clie support JackFlash 2.1.1b2(July 4, 2001) - bugfix: correct functionality on overclocked devices - bugfix: Jacksafe chage to correctly work with TrapWeaver - bugfix: heap compact corruption fix JackFlash 2.1.1b1(June 21, 2001) - bugfix: RemoveFP working with FlashPro 2.0 installations - update: improved Clie support (pre-official support) - update: added support for Sharp chips - update: JackSafe changed to support m505 EFIGS devices JackFlash 2.1 (June 4, 2001) - feature: added support for Palm OS 4.0 on m500/m50x devices - update: X-Master compatibility - update: added support for Intel chips - update: added support for Mitsubishi chips - update: added support for Fujitsu chips - removed: embedded support for OS upgrades JackFlash 2.0.2 (January 8, 2001) - bugfix: fixed JackSafe support for Japanese OS - bugfix: now works with QuickNotes if this version of JackSafe is installed - bugfix: fixed scrolling bug with databases with no records - update: added support for JackBack JackFlash 2.0.1 (November 11, 2000) - bugfix: fixed issue in the JackSafe installation code - update: exclude Cesium from Flash - update: allow ZBoxZ files in Flash - update: allow forcing files into Flash - update: added info page to JackSafe JackFlash 2.0 (October 25, 2000) - bugfix: fixed xtra xtra pro support - bugfix: did not identify flash correctly under OS 3.5 JackFlash 2.0b1 (September 22, 2000) - update: added support for Atmel chips - update: changed compaction display - update: changed to mark all items in Flash as read-only by default - update: exclude more applications that cause problems in flash - update: added support Japanese devices with 4MB ROMs - feature: added JackSafe which can install support for restoring the flash after a battery failure - feature: added support for extra flash on xtra xtra Pro cards - feature: added RemoveFP for uninstalling FlashPro installations JackFlash 1.2.3 (June 20, 2000) - update: improved FlashPro detection JackFlash 1.2.3b1 (May 16, 2000) - bugfix: fixed the expand heap code that was broken in 1.2.2 JackFlash 1.2.2 (May 9, 2000) - bugfix: updates to handles differences with OS 3.5 - bugfix: fixed compaction problem under OS 3.5 - bugfix: improved repair reliablity - bugfix: fixed problems with deletes introduced with 1.2 JackFlash 1.2.1 (March 22, 2000) - bugfix: properly detect FlashPro 1.0.8 - bugfix: fix crash related to determining database size JackFlash 1.2 (March 15, 2000) - update: Added OS 3.5 to list of possible upgrades - bugfix: added a warning if plugin tries to move or delete an OS database JackFlash 1.2b3 (March 11, 2000) - feature: increased the available flash under OS 3.5 JackFlash 1.2b2 (March 9, 2000) - bugfix: improved reliability of repair code JackFlash 1.2b1 (March 7, 2000) - feature: new method of restoring after hard-reset - update: support for OS 3.5 - bugfix: fixed sort order of database directory JackFlash 1.1.2 (February 24, 2000) - bugfix: make sure that we are not running on OS 3.5 JackFlash 1.1 (February 21, 2000) - no changes from b2 JackFlash 1.1b2 (February 18, 2000) - update: changed sorting UI - update: add more applications to the list of apps that cannot be moved into Flash. - bugfix: minor fixes JackFlash 1.1b1 (February 11, 2000) - feature: added ability to beam databases - feature: added new display of type and creator - feature: added graffiti scrolling - feature: sped up launch - feature: added support for TRG Palm III SuperPilot boards - feature: detects non-flash compatible version of HackMaster - update: updated upgrade sizes to include international versions of OS 3.3 - update: added more applications to the list of apps that cannot be moved into Flash. - bugfix: handle deleting and moving of read-only databases - bugfix: other minor fixes JackFlash 1.0.2 (January 3, 2000) - bugfix: added support for Toshiba Flash chips JackFlash 1.0.1 (December 31, 1999) - bugfix: increased compatiblity with HackMaster JackFlash 1.0 (December 17, 1999) - initial release